The Importance of Spending Time with Your Friends


As we grow older, it can be easy to get caught up in our careers, families, and personal finances. We often put our relationships on the back burner, assuming that we will catch up with our friends eventually. But the truth is that the bonds of friendship can be just as valuable, if not more so, than financial success. Here's why you should prioritize spending time with your friends, even after your school years.

The Value of Good Friendships

Good friendships bring joy, support, and a sense of belonging into our lives. Our friends are there for us during the good times and the bad, offering a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board for our ideas, and a source of laughter and inspiration. Having a strong network of friends can also improve our mental and physical health, reducing stress, depression, and even reducing the risk of certain diseases.

The bonds of friendship are not something that can be bought or sold. They are built over time through shared experiences, mutual support, and a genuine interest in each other's lives. As we get older and life gets busier, it can be tempting to let these bonds slip away. But if we want to live a truly fulfilling life, it's important to invest the time and energy into maintaining our friendships.

The Cost of Not Spending Time with Your Friends

On the flip side, the cost of not spending time with your friends can be high. When we neglect our relationships, we miss out on the joy and support that comes from having strong connections with others. We may also find ourselves feeling lonely and isolated, which can have a significant impact on our mental and physical health.

In addition to these emotional costs, there can also be financial consequences to neglecting our friendships. For example, if we don't take the time to stay in touch with our friends, we may miss out on opportunities for support and collaboration. This can be especially true in our careers, where a strong network of friends and colleagues can open doors and provide valuable connections.

The Benefits of Spending Time with Your Friends

So, what are the benefits of spending time with our friends? Here are just a few examples:

  • Improved mental and physical health: As mentioned, strong friendships can help reduce stress and depression, and may even reduce the risk of certain diseases. Spending time with our friends can also boost our mood and improve our overall sense of well-being.

  • Support and encouragement: Our friends are there to offer support and encouragement, especially when we need it most. Whether we're facing a challenge at work, dealing with a difficult personal situation, or simply looking for a sounding board for our ideas, our friends are there to offer a listening ear and a supportive word.

  • Shared experiences and memories: Spending time with our friends allows us to create shared experiences and memories that will last a lifetime. Whether it's a weekend getaway, a monthly dinner, or simply a night out at the movies, these shared experiences bring us closer together and strengthen the bonds of friendship.

  • Opportunities for collaboration: As we build stronger relationships with our friends, we may find ourselves with new opportunities for collaboration and support. This could be as simple as bouncing ideas off each other or as complex as working together on a project or business venture.

Making Time for Your Friends

So, how can you make time for your friends? Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Schedule regular get-togethers: Whether it's a monthly dinner, a weekend getaway, or simply a weekly phone call, make a point to schedule regular time with your friends. Having a standing appointment on your calendar can help ensurethat you make the time for your relationships.

    • Make the most of your time together: When you do spend time with your friends, make the most of it. Put away your phone, focus on the conversation, and actively engage with those around you. This will help strengthen your relationships and deepen the connections you have with your friends.

    • Try new things: Doing new things with your friends can help create shared experiences and memories. Whether it's trying a new restaurant, taking a dance class, or going on a hike, try to mix up your activities and step outside your comfort zone.

    • Be intentional about maintaining your relationships: Maintaining relationships takes effort, but it's worth it. Make an effort to stay in touch with your friends, even when life gets busy. Whether it's sending a quick text, making a phone call, or writing a letter, small acts of kindness can go a long way in maintaining strong relationships.


    The bonds of friendship are a valuable part of our lives, offering joy, support, and a sense of belonging. As we grow older and life gets busier, it can be tempting to let these relationships slip away, but doing so can have significant emotional and financial consequences. Making time for your friends, even after your school years, is essential for living a fulfilling life. So, if that means scheduling a monthly dinner with friends, know that the time and money invested is worth its weight in gold. Invest in your relationships and enjoy the many benefits that come from having strong, supportive friends.


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